J.B.T. Programme
The scheme of hose examination and course for the J.B.T . will be according to the syllabus laid down by the H.P. Board of School Education Dharamshala .
A candidate shall be required top take the following course.
J.B.T. Part-I & Part-II
A. Foundation Course
1. Education in Emerging India
2. Understanding the Child and the Learning Process ( Educational Psychogy)
3. Educational Management at Elementary Level
B. Methadology
4. Teaching of Hindi
5. Teaching of English
6. Teaching of Social Studies
7. Teaching of Environmental Science
8. Teaching of Mathematics
C. Additional Subjects
9. Educational Technology
10. Educational for Peace , Values , Environment and Human Rights
11. Population Education
12 (a) Health and Phy. Edu , Practical Phy .Edu. (b)Yoga
13. Sessional Work
14. a) Work Experience b) Art Education
15. Skill in Teaching